crossing cultures: a place of formation

Those of us who choose a life in ministry do so, perhaps, because we believe in the life-changing power of people encountering Jesus. It might come as a surprise to us that our ministry location becomes our own place of  transformation! Through the process of engaging different cultures, working alongside those who are very different from ourselves, and even experiencing disappointments and challenges, we have the opportunity to become more fully ourselves as we get to know God more deeply. The inner journey can become the most thrilling adventure possible for every disciple-maker!

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We're Tim & Miranda

We have been working cross-culturally for more than 25 years. Our own experience of living in different cultures, team-building for effective ministry and raising a family overseas have given us a passion to see others thrive, not just survive.  We offer spiritual direction, debriefing and leadership development and we are committed to Christian life that is holistic and healthy. 

Read more about Tim & Miranda here.

Place of springs ministry house

a special place created with you in mind

Our work helps Christians working cross-culturally be fruitful over the long haul, by training them to draw deeply from God in the midst of challenging situations. As well as being available online, we have created a space in Spain for people to meet with God, so they can be renewed for further ministry effectiveness. Contact us to request information about a sabbatical stay, for spiritual direction, personal or team debriefing, and leadership development. 

join us online to 'journey deeper' through lent & beyond

During Lent we are offering a series of six online seminars to help you explore life-giving spiritual rhythms and how to incorporate them into your real life. We are teaming up with a fabulous group of fellow spiritual directors to give you an opportunity to hear more about the ways different practices can support your desire to open to God's presence and action in your life.

We begin together on Ash Wednesday and meet on each consecutive Wednesday until Easter. This is a great way to journey with others through the Lenten season, after which you will have fresh ways to orientate your life towards that which will form and transform you.

For more information and FAQs, go here. To register, please complete this form. Hope to see you there!

next hiking retreats: 

29 june - 4 july & 7-13 September 2025

If you've been looking for a way to slow down and incorporate some healthy reflection in your life, whilst also longing to be out in beautiful natural spaces, then the guided Live in Awe retreat is for you!

Join us in Scotland at the end of June for five days of walking with a qualified mountain guide and spiritual director. Open to the possibility of conversations along the trail that enable you to connect a bit more deeply with what is going on in your life and the ways God might be present to you, both in what is joyful and in the challenges.

This retreat is a partnership with YWAM Seamill and if you are in cross-cultural ministry, you will feel right at home! For more information and to register, contact us.

working in a challenging context? What do you need?

It takes resilience to serve God in places that might feel spiritually and relationally dry, or physically and culturally challenging. At different times in your ministry journey, your needs will be different. Our goal is to meet you at your point of need, offering enough of the right kind of support for you to be renewed and empowered for life-giving ministry where you are.

resources for you: online & in person

When you go to the 'For You' tab in the menu options, you will see that at Place of Springs we offer in-person support in the form of guided debriefs, spiritual retreats and spiritual direction. We also offer all of those things online, in case you are unable to come and stay at this point. Our online offerings include guided debriefing and spiritual direction, as well as plenty of resources to support your spiritual life while you are on the field. You can find devotions, retreat guides that help you set up a retreat for your team or group, as well as ways to take a time of personal spiritual retreat in your own home. Check out the links to our social media platforms at the bottom of this page and, if there is something you need and you can't find it, please reach out. We're here to help.

This video was recorded by a couple working cross-culturally who came for a residential debrief. We hope it gives you some idea of what you might expect from a guided debrief with us. If you have any questions or want to book your own debriefing, please get in touch!