walking a prayer labyrinth

This video was created for World Labyrinth Day. Every year on the first Saturday in May people all around the world walk a prayer labyrinth as a moving meditation, in celebration of the labyrinth experience and as an expression of desire for world peace. In this video, Tim reflects on his own experiences of praying using labyrinths of different forms, and what this has taught him.

The prayer labyrinth has North African connections! The earliest known example of the labyrinth being used for Christian prayer or meditation is from a fourth-century pavement at the Basilica of St Reparatus, at Orleansville, Algeria. Although it is unclear how it might have been used in worship, it has the words "Sancta Eclesia" at the centre. Have you ever used a labyrinth as an aid to prayer or reflection? Come and participate in a retreat at Place of Springs and experience the prayer labyrinth for yourself!