leadership development encounter

We've trained over 250 participants working in more than 45 nations, and in just six sessions we'll cover a great range of topics relating to leading cross-cultural teams. Open to those in Youth With A Mission, as well as to leaders in other agencies, or involved in leadership in a local church. Nominal fee of €25.

Next LDE: 22 September - 1 October, 2025

experienced trainers

Drawing from many years' experience in offering our 6-week residential training, known as the Leadership Development Course (LDC), we have created a rich online opportunity designed to make leadership development available wherever you are in the world. During our action-packed week, you will learn about 360° leadership from a diverse team with all kinds of leadership experience.

We will cover a great range of topics, from developing a spiritual rhythm that strengthens your spiritual leadership, to character formation and dealing with your shadow side, to forming effective teams and maintaining unity. You will have an opportunity to reflect on your leadership journey, and to consider what kinds of support you need as you move forward.

topic summary

  • Spiritual Formation – developing a spiritual rhythm and spiritual leadership
  • Ministry Formation – reflecting on your leadership journey, pioneering & pruning
  • Character Formation – characteristics of a leader and dealing with the dark side
  • Team Formation – model for effective team life and maintaining unity
  • Relational Formation – mentoring, coaching, debriefing, spiritual direction