1. Seeking God means to LISTEN
When we are listening well, by implication we are talking less. To seek God is to be willing to listen to the cries and complaints of others. It means I adopt a posture of leaning in to God's perspective, pressing into what his word has to say about the issues we face. And when it comes to the question of justice for the oppressed, there is no shortage of things God has to say.
2. Seeking God means to LONG FOR
In order to seek God, we are to be in touch with the longing within us. To what extent am I aware of a deep desire for God’s redemption to be worked out in our world and our communities, and in my own heart? To seek God means to allow ourselves to deeply feel this longing, not to be afraid of it but to lean in. This is a longing that will lead us to God.
3. Seeking God means to LAMENT
At times, our longing is so deep we cannot find words to express it. As we seek God, we bring our groaning, our supplication, and our sorrowing. We add our words and our wordless groans to those of the world around us and yes, even to that of creation (as we read about in Romans chapter 8). We seek God through lament.
4. Seeking God means to WATCH
To what extent will we pay attention? Are we willing to look for what God might be about in the current situation, to ‘keep our eyes peeled’ and our spirits alert? To seek God is to remain wakeful and watchful.
5. Seeking God means to WAIT
Finally, seeking God requires us to wait on God, who is the chief mover and shaker. In our waiting, we submit to his timing. We do not wait out of a lack of desire to act, but out of trust in his agency and absolute commitment to redemptive change.