The day I married my husband was such a special event. Of course, we had researched and planned and made bookings for months in advance. We wanted the day to be perfect, so we could always look back and remember this magical moment in time. The flowers, the cake, the vows, the dress, the speeches; it was all planned out so that we would remember our day forever.
But what if we had stopped there? It sounds silly to say that, of course. A wedding day is the beginning, not the end of the story. Following on from that day are many many more days, months and years together, building a life around the love that you share and learning how to become one, from two. It is a life made up of daily choices, rhythms and patterns that we weave together as we learn how to forge this romance into a partnership that will change and grow us both into fuller expressions of who we were made to be.
We learn to listen, to say thank you, to apologise and to forgive. We learn to allow space for the other to be who they are, to have difficult conversations, to laugh and to celebrate. We do all this by practising, by being intentional, and ultimately by creating habits of life as a couple, and as part of our community, that reflect who we are and the people we are becoming.
This analogy helps me as I think about our life as disciples of Jesus. I grew up in a Christian home in a context that made much of that moment a person declares faith in Jesus. And rightly so. Like a wedding day, that decision or ‘conversion’ as we have come to call it, is worth celebrating! The one who was spiritually dead has come to life again! The one who was lost has been found! It is right to mark this point in time as the significant, pivotal juncture that it is.
So, what comes next?