ministry structure

The Place of Springs is an opportunity to expand the work we have already been doing for several years, and all our relational connections will continue to offer strength and support to this exciting new venture. While The Place of Springs will be owned privately by us, this is how it fits into the overall picture of our current ministry relationships:

  • Our sending 'scaffolding' is provided by Church Mission Society whose vision places a special emphasis on discipleship, or what we also call Christian Formation. We have been mission partners with CMS for almost a decade.
  • We have worked with Youth With A Mission since 1998 and the last 9 years here in Spain. We connect relationally with those working in North African nations as well as with YWAM around the world.
  • We have a special sense of calling to support those who give their lives to work in challenging contexts, the primary one being the region of North Africa. This sense of calling is an engine for much of our work.
  • We have an Advisory Group that supports us in our decision-making and to whom we will be accountable. This group meets monthly and includes those with experience of both CMS and YWAM, as well as first-hand experience of living and working in Europe and North Africa.
  • We seen the Place of Springs as an expression of the Centre for Christian Formation & Discipleship, which is part of YWAM's University of the Nations and with whom Miranda has worked for several years. The Centre is a rich place of learning and input around creating helpful environments for Christian formation.
  • Other partnerships that will continue to benefit our work at The Place of Springs include: YWAM's Leadership Development Course and Spiritual Direction Circle; Debriefing training and supervision from Le Rucher; Mountain Pilgrims inspiration for contemplative mountain encounters.