We were not meant to live this life in ministry alone! There are many ways you can get the extra support you need in order to engage your present season with purpose and intention. What do you most need in your life currently? Get in touch and let's talk!
we all grow best with some support
A Spiritual Director is quite simply someone who will accompany you on your spiritual journey by listening well, both to you and to God. By asking questions that help to deepen your process, a Spiritual Director can support you in noticing God's presence and activity in your life of faith and can be especially helpful at times of uncertainty or transition. Both Tim & Miranda offer individual spiritual direction, as well as group direction in the form of guided retreats.
It is always helpful to reflect on the past in a way that helps us move into the future with greater freedom and clarity. Debriefing can be helpful if you have reached your limit in serving others, if you've reached a crossroads or are facing major changes in your life, or simply if past disappointments, failures or anger are holding you back from pressing ahead. Miranda is a certified debriefer with Le Rucher ministries, and follows their debriefing model with individuals, couples and groups.
creative processing
One of the things Miranda loves to facilitate, for individuals or for groups, is a guided art-making process. Engaging in creativity can bring us to places of awareness that elude us when we are trying to 'think things through'. Painting, working with clay, mask-making, poetry writing ... any creative activity can be harnessed in such a way that helps us express things we do not yet have words for. Look out for my regular art days, or for guided art retreats; and you don't have to be an 'artist' to participate!
wilderness encounters
Tim is a trained mountain leader and loves to combine his love of the mountains with his vocation as a spiritual director. Wilderness Encounters are 1 to 5 day hiking retreats, with an emphasis on drawing close to God in the beauty of the great outdoors. There are contemplative activities as a group combined with opportunities for quiet individual reflection.
As well as offering my own workshops or seminars at different times, Miranda is one of the trainers involved in the Deepen program in relational Christian formation and spiritual direction that is offered by Novo. In addition, at different times we participate as trainers on the Leadership Development Course or the online Leadership Development Encounter. Check the events page for up-to-date information.
This part of our work reflects the conviction that how we live in our bodies is 100% connected to our emotional & spiritual well-being. Miranda offers spiritual direction with a particular focus on your relationship with your body, and also offers online support for anyone who would like to grow in their health and fitness. Look out for her book on embodied discipleship!
We love to share helpful resources with you as they are developed. These are reflections and devotionals in written and video format aimed at helping you reflect in ways that create space for you, to meet with God and to become more aware of your own state of being. These are available on the resources page. and will relate to both the physical and non-physical dimensions of life.
find out more
Perhaps you are interested in completing a Master's program in Christian Formation & Discipleship with the University of the Nations? If so, you can find more information here. Or maybe you would like to find out more about the Leadership Development Course? If you would like to connect to an online group focused on health and fitness, check out my Facebook page. And if you would like to know more about the training being offered in facilitating retreats, spiritual accompaniment, and more then let me know by getting in touch.